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Special Church Events & Services

In addition to our Sunday worship services at 11 AM (plus a 9 AM service in June-August), please come to these special community concerts, fundraisers and programs. All are invited to these events in Banner Elk. We are located adjacent to the Lees-McRae College campus.

Good Friday Community Tenebrae Service

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church 420 College Dr., Banner Elk, NC, United States

All invited! Music by the choir and soloists, along with readings, recount Jesus’ final hours on the cross – through the eyes of witnesses who had direct contact with Jesus. “Tenebrae” is the Latin word for “darkness”. Throughout the service, the lights grow dimmer and dimmer until the church is in darkness. Worshipers leave in […]

Easter Sunday Worship

Sing beloved hymns accompanied by the pipe organ to celebrate the Resurrection, and enjoy special music by the Chancel Choir, handbells and other instrumentalists. After an inspiring sermon, the traditional service concludes with communion and the singing of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. Bring flowers for the flowering cross on the lawn. Community and visitors welcome!

Nunsense Musical

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church 420 College Dr., Banner Elk, NC, United States

In this zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue, the Little Sisters of Hoboken discover that their cook has accidentally poisoned 52 of the sisters. They are in dire need of funds for the burials, so they put on a   variety show to raise money. Featuring fantastic music, dancing and surprises, this hit has been an international […]


Nunsense Musical

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church 420 College Dr., Banner Elk, NC, United States

In this zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue, the Little Sisters of Hoboken discover that their cook has accidentally poisoned 52 of the sisters. They are in dire need of funds for the burials, so they put on a   variety show to raise money. Featuring fantastic music, dancing and surprises, this hit has been an international […]


Nunsense Musical

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church 420 College Dr., Banner Elk, NC, United States

In this zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue, the Little Sisters of Hoboken discover that their cook has accidentally poisoned 52 of the sisters. They are in dire need of funds for the burials, so they put on a   variety show to raise money. Featuring fantastic music, dancing and surprises, this hit has been an international […]


Our church is located downtown at 420 College Drive SW, Banner Elk.