Guatemala Church

Since 1996 our church has been in a covenant relationship with Arca de Noe, a small, rural church in Morelia, Guatemala, as part of a larger partnership relationship between our Presbytery and two Presbyteries in Guatemala. Members of our congregation have visited regularly, providing assistance with education, housing, drinking water and simply extending this relationship. In addition to these budgeted funds, non-funded, committed funds are donated to support educational scholarships totaling $5,000 to $10,000 per year.

Our Partnership grows stronger each year. We visit Guatemala and have been blessed with visits from some of our brothers and sisters from our partner church as well. We are partnering with Arca de Noé in a children’s scholarship program. There are more than 35 children from both the church and the community receiving support for school supplies and tuition.

Arca de Noe

Each time we visit, we purchase hundreds of pounds of rice, beans, sugar and other essentials for the poor of the community. The sisters of Arca de Noé bag them and distribute them as one of their most important ministries. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to have these wonderful people as part of our family in Christ.

The challenges in Guatemala are great, as the country is very poor and vaccination roll out has been slow. Please consider supporting our sister church through the scholarship program or monies to assist their village during these trying times. Contact: Kathy Ward

Watch a video about this partnership on our YouTube Channel.

Several members returned in October 2022 (photo below):

Guatemala Trip

Arca de Noe