Often working behind the scenes, the folks who serve on these committees are who connect us with one another, beautify our church campus both inside the sanctuary and throughout the building, as we seek to minister to each other and to further God’s kingdom here in Banner Elk and beyond! We want all members to feel like they are using their spiritual gifts and God given talents, while feeling truly like a member of a thriving Christ-centered community. Any member or affiliate member are invited to be a part of our committees.
How We Connect, Create, and Collaborate as a Body of Christ
Building and Grounds: They are responsible for maintenance and upkeep of our church building, grounds, and parking areas. A member of the Building and Grounds committee serves as the “Clerk of the Works” and faithfully makes sure things are in good repair, ranging from changing light bulbs, plumbing maintenance, and minor building improvements. (Wes Reed, chair and session liaison)
Communications/Outreach: Oversees all media and communications production equipment, network, and internet. Provides and maintains a communications plan that includes website, Facebook and other ongoing marketing. Supports the publication of the monthly newsletter. Serves as the session support to the Media Coordinator as they provide worship live streaming and sound. Serves as a connection to the community to promote special events. (William Dethlefs, chair and session liaison)
Congregational Care: Serves the body of Christ by offering encouragement, connection, support, and prayer to those in need. Celebrates milestones in our members’ lives through a prayer ministry, the Shepherd program and receptions (memorial services, special occasions, etc.). (Debbi Hagna, chair)
Christian Education: Is responsible for the nurturing and equipping of the spiritual lives of our church family through programs and activities through Sunday school classes, family retreats and special study programs during the year.
Fellowship: Provides fellowship opportunities for our congregation through potluck meals (Sunday Brunches) as well as special occasions such as the summer picnic. (Ann McConnell, chair and session liaison)
Membership: Seeks to increase the church’s outreach to the community and to encourage new member interest and commitment. (Lees-McRae Soup Lunch, providing mugs for visitors, new member classes) (Sara Brewer, chair and session liaison)
Missions: Oversees benevolent spending of budgeted funds as well as special projects and needs. Connects members with local non-profits to serve as called. Read about our current outreach opportunities for missions and ministry. (Jim Jones, chair and session liaison)
Personnel: Determines, defines, and fills new non-ordained staff positions and titled volunteer positions as necessary. Oversees and recommends activities, duties and responsibilities for each staff member and titled volunteer leaders. Annual evaluations of all personnel are conducted. (McNair Tornow, chair and session liaison)
Preschool: The church preschool operates under the direction of its board made up of church, community, and parent members as well as the preschool director and the pastor. It serves children ages 2-5, Monday-Thursday, from 9am-1pm following the public-school calendar from August-June. Wedding funds received by our church are committed to preschool scholarships for those in need. (Nancy Owen, session liaison)
Stewardship and Finance: Is responsible for financial business of the church and for conducting the annual stewardship campaign on which the church budget is based. (Jim Ferguson, chair and session liaison)
Worship: Members provide meaningful worship experiences for the congregation though many different programs and services, including Sunday morning worship, communion, memorial services, Kirkin’ of the Tartans, weddings, Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Eve and Lenten services…they are one busy group! Worship Arts is sub-committee that seeks to enhance our worship though artistic presentations during Holy Week and Easter, decorating the sanctuary seasonally and presenting dramatic programs. (Debi Tornow & Luana Anderson, chairs)