Banner Elk Presbyterian Church Carol Sing

December 6, 2025 @ 3 PM

Join a joyous sing-along of familiar Christmas carols in the sanctuary of the historic Banner Elk Presbyterian Church. The fifth annual Community Carol Sing is a 45-minute casual service that includes a dozen favorite songs, ranging from “White Christmas” to “Joy to the World”, for all ages to enjoy. It’s become a favorite tradition for many!

To allow the audience to rest their voices occasionally, the Lees-McRae Highlanders, church choir and soloists will sing beloved classics. The singing is led by the church Choral Director Nina Allbert and Pianist/Organist David Soyars.

“The carol sing offers a joyous musical kickoff to the Christmas season,” says Soyars. “It’s a nostalgic gathering around the piano to belt out beloved songs together. It’s guaranteed to lift your spirits!”

Allbert adds, “The Community Carol Sing is my favorite event of the year because a widely diverse group of people gather together to sing. It’s not just our church members, but people of all ages from different churches, states, countries and backgrounds all coming together to lift their voices up in song. It is a glorious event!”

The doors open at 2:30 PM. Admission and parking are free. The Carol Sing is part of A Small Town Christmas Weekend, presented by the Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce.

Other upcoming special services at Banner Elk Presbyterian Church include a special music worship service Lessons & Carols.

This festive event has become a favorite annual tradition. Read about our Advent Season Services including Christmas Eve.

Watch the recording of the 2023 Carol Sing on our YouTube Channel.

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church Snow

Address: 420 College Drive, Banner Elk. Free parking is available across the street from our church.

Read the fascinating history of our church and its work in the community.

An official event of the Small Town Christmas Weekend by the Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce. See the full list of weekend events.